Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Home Remedy for Herpes - Cold Sore Symptom

Below are a number of home remedy for herpes treatments which have been shown to effectively treat the symptoms as well as the length of the outbreak. However if you are already being prescribed with some form of medication by your doctor then talk to him before you try any of these home remedies and even talk to him if you are not on prescribed medication.
1. Lemon Balm - This has antiviral properties and will help
to reduce the healing time to around 5 days. It has also been found that it helps to reduce the frequency of new outbreaks occuring. 2. Warm Tea Bags - Press a warm tea bag against the blister can help to bring much needed pain relieve to a sufferer. 3. Witch Hazel - This has been proven to help relieve the painful symptoms which are associated with herpes... read more

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