Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New Poll Suggests Having Herpes Sucks

In case you needed another reason to use a condom, recent polls show that people across the nation are still completely skeeved out by the idea of herpes.

In a report released by CBS news and WebMD, “503 U.S. adults with genital herpes and about 1,400 other adults who said they didn’t have genital herpes” were asked questions regarding the icky yet easily transmittable more

Says most horses are exposed to Herpes vaccination.

Herpes zoster infection commonly is diagnosed by clinical. Et al Family physicians have good clinical judgment with regard to diagnosing herpes zoster. When vaccinating against strangles and equine herpes virus. Which is what they do in Europe. Up to us to make the right choices. When I went to my health provider for a shingles. Health Problems of Young Horses in Training. Field veterinarian for Fort Dodge Animal Health. Says most horses are exposed to more

Shingles Conditions

Rashes could be of different color; they may itch, be painful, be warm, feel bumpy, look dry, have crackles or blisters, swell and annoy. Doctors compare such things as the appearance, whether other signs of diseases exist, and patient's exposure to substances, patient's occupation, and family medical history.
Viral infections include herpes viruses. The viruses could be Herpes simplex or Herpes zoster. Zoster means belt-like. Herpes zoster virus causes shingles. It also causes chickenpox in children. Viral rashes last up to a week. They are usually symmetrical. Patients may have additional signs (coughing, sneezing, nausea, watery itching eyes, etc). Shingles are painful blisters on skin. The virus sits quietly in neural cells for years and flares up when your immunity is down after another disease or more

What Is Anal Herpes And How Is The Virus Treated Effectively?

Anal herpes is the formation of viral outbreaks in the rectal area. The transmission of has generally the same characteristics of any other form of the herpes virus. The area is infected when contact with a contaminated person is made. Blisters usually develop about two weeks after initial contact.
The blisters develop at the edge of the anus, but it is possible for the outbreaks to spread inside the rectum. In the event that this happens, colitis, the chronic inflammation of the membrane that lines your colon, intestine or bowel, can more

Ayurveda Approach to Genital Herpes

By Dr. Savitha Suri Dosha theory which help in diagnosis of the diseases. According to ayurveda three doshas or three energetic forces control the activities of the body. These doshas are 1. Vata 2. Pitta 3. Kapha
VATA: The Vata dosha is the most important of the three doshas. It has been said in ayurveda classic books that pitta, Kapha and all other body tissues are considered lame without assistance of more

Nine misconceptions about herpes

The number of people with the common cold core, usually present on and around the lips, tends to increase as temperatures drop outside. Indeed, oral herpes is quite common. There is no air of mystery about it. However, an average patient does not seem to be very knowledgeable about the disease.

Below are some of the most typical myths about oral and genital herpes more

Michael Vick's Latest Confession: A Dog gave me Genital Herpes

Atlanta Georgia. A press conference meant to focus on showing remorse took an ugly turn when Michael Vick veered from his prepared statement. He began by apologizing to his teammates, the league and to all the children who look up to him. Then in a shocking twist, Vick began sobbing and said, "Baby, I'm so sorry. It was the only way we could be together."

"The bitch gave me genital herpes but I still love her." Vick ended the press conference by making sure everyone was clear that his love interest was a female dog thus proving he isn't more

Matter of mind and body

Last summer's FDA-approved shingles vaccine may have come too late for older adults suffering with the virus. But according to a 2007 UCLA study, an ancient Chinese exercise may keep some men and women from developing shingles by boosting their immune response to the virus.
Nine adults being led through the arm, hand and leg movements that define Tai Chi at a Monday night class in downtown Rutland may not realize that Tai Chi also can build immunity to the shingles virus, even if they receive Zostavax, the shingles more