Monday, August 6, 2007

Doreen Nagle: Thinking of pregnancy? Get check-up first

If trying to get pregnant is part of your immediate plans, get thee (and your partner thee) to a pre-pregnancy check-up. As the Report of the Public Health Service Expert Panel on the Content of Prenatal Care concludes, "The most important doctor visit happens before a woman gets pregnant."

A preconception check-up is where a lot of problems can get cleared up before they become possible bigger issues during pregnancy. Therefore, there are higher odds for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth with a check-up prior to trying to conceive.Other tests can include those for anemia, blood type, toxoplasmosis, Pap smear, mammogram, HIV, urinalysis, herpes, hepatitis, immunity to rubella and risk assessment for spontaneous abortion.
Check-up for daddy, too
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