Saturday, August 25, 2007

Are children borne from a mother with oral herpes borne with an immunity to the disease?

My daughter-in-law also has oral herpes. She says that my son can't get it because I has it and passed some kind of immunity to him when he was in my womb. Is this true? My son have been married 1 years and still no sign of herpes..... He have always lived with someone who has the problem so he don't have a natural fear of it.

No, it doesn't give you an immunity. You can still catch it. However since 80% of the populaiton has it and you grew up with someone with it, chances are you already have it. Most people who have it have no symptoms and don't have a clue they are infected.No, it isn't a big deal, but just be aware catching her cold sores on your mouth isn't bad, but if she gives you oral sex you could catch her herpes on your genitals, even when she has no symptoms. :-)

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